In order to reduce solid noise transmission (vibration) through the bearings of a system (heat pump, compressor, fan, motor, etc.), high-performance SIL-Damper elastic separation elements must be interposed between the part of the system that vibrates and oscillates and its anchorage point to the supporting frame or base. In order to achieve the most effective desolidarisation, SIL-Damper devices are dimensioned and selected according to the overall mass, number of supports and nominal rotational speed for the moving parts. Depending on the size and weight of the system, systems with an independent spring separator system are selected, exactly like a real shock absorber.

Why you should choose them…

SIL-Damper spring-loaded vibration damping systems are designed to absorb and isolate vibrations from heavy machinery or industrial equipment.

SIL-Damper systems offer constant stability even on uneven surfaces thanks to a compensating screw and level variation, making them the ideal solution for installations in industrial environments or on uneven ground.

They are widely used in sectors such as heavy industry, construction, plant engineering and shipping.

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