SILTE processes and markets different types of ‘acoustic’ materials for various sectors of use: industrial, civil, transport, nautical, chemical and pharmaceutical. Acoustic materials are basically divided into two categories:

Sound-absorbing: these are those materials that have a good capacity to absorb sound energy and a marked ability to dissipate penetrated energy.

Sound-insulating: these are those materials that present a good capacity to reduce and limit the transmission of sound incident upon them. This ‘capacity’ is expressed by the soundproofing power R and varies with the frequency and physical properties, dimensions and constraint conditions of the component.

Specific products and panels are manufactured by combining different materials to achieve good sound absorption and sound insulation properties in a single element. The correct application of materials is important in order to make the most of their acoustic performance; for this reason, the supervision of a technician is always advisable. SILTE offers products that are certified, safe and guaranteed to last.

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